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About APSQ

At ScribePro our entire team are involved in the decisions about which new features we build. One of the most compelling features that the team felt incredibly passionately about creating was the APSQ mental health screening function. This takes the APSQ scoring system and allows the clinician to notify each player in the squad (by email and sms text) to complete the 10 screening questions. The players use the link sent to them to open a secure site where they can answer the questions in their own time.

Once submitted the ScribePro system is automatically updated with the response from each player. Crucially if the score reaches beyond a thresh-hold score of 17 or more then the clinician is immediately notified by email and sms text of the result. This allows the clinician to identify elite athletes vulnerable to mental health symptoms and reach out to these players without delay and assess them further.

Only clinicians who are given access to the APSQ feature within ScribePro are able to send out the notification or see the results so while the process works in tandem with other aspects of the players health it comes with the reassurance that the results are only visible to selected clinicians.

The APSQ is designed to be used periodically i.e in the pre-competition phase of the season and then towards the mid-end of the season as well as at recognised times of increased pressure such as after injury so it is used relatively infrequently throughout the year – however the ease in which the function is applied within ScribePro could not be simpler for both the clinician and the player.

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